Poll Everywhere Accessibility Audit and Remediation Roadmap 2024 - Participant application

The remediation timelines listed are a good-faith effort for planning as of Oct. 2024, however, they are subject to change as development occurs.


Issue Plan Timing
Attendance Mgmt: Location check retry alert icon has low contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Attendance Mgmt: Location drop down in certify page has low contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
CIP: "Clear Last Response" button Ensure that full visible button text is announced by screen reader. Q2 2025
Cookie Consent Banner: Missing labels Add labels Q2 2025
Cookie Consent: Skipped by screenreader and keyboard Add correct ARIA markup Q2 2025
home: username voice over Ensure that "Join presentation with your PollEverywhere username" is announced by screen reader. Q2 2025
Navigation: “Registration” is too wide for the container when letter spacing is adjusted Force navigation container to expand to accommodate adjusted letter spacing Q2 2025
Present: Missing Level-one heading Add Level-one heading Q2 2025
Present: empty button Place text content within the <button> element or give the <input> element a value attribute. Q2 2025
Presenter bar Pinned tab does not have any value text Add text content within the button element. Q2 2025
Register: HTML for appearance Ensure that the visual appearance of <h1> reflects its position in the page hierarchy. Q2 2025
Registration: "You are currently on a button" focus Ensure that focus indicator is unambiguous Q2 2025
Registration: empty button Place text content within the <button> element. Q2 2025
Registration: Focus indicator is visible but link text is not. Ensure that focusable element is visible. Q2 2025
Registrations: Save button need a label for screen readers (at page launch, before changes are made) Add label for the save button. Q2 2025
Response History: "export results" needs a confirmation notification Use a visible success message that is read out using a live region or aria alert. Q2 2025
Response History: "Prev" & "Next" are visible and clickable to screen reader Hide "Prev" & "Next" when there is only 1 page of content Q2 2025
Response history: list items Put <li> elements in a <ul> Q2 2025
Response link : MCP: Live results image is missing alternative text. Hide image from screen readers since it's decorative in nature. Q2 2025
Response Page: "response saved" notification Change aria role for "Response Saved" Notification for all activity types Q2 2025
Response Page: Change how screen readers read votes to MCPs Change order of items as read by screen reader Q2 2025
Response Page: CIP: Keyboard-only responses aren’t possible Allow keyboard-only responses Q2 2025
Response Page: CIP: poll is too dimmed after a response is submitted Decrease opacity of overlay Q2 2025
Response Page: Dimmed Responses: Contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Response Page: Give a message after clearing response to tell screenreader users what happened Alert the participant that the most recent response was cleared. Q2 2025
Response Page: Missing alt text when there is no instruction image Update that component to omit the img tag entirely when there is no instructions image attached to the poll Q2 2025
Response Page: Q&A poll's Upvote/Downvote buttons need labels that include the option they apply to Change the vote buttons selected so they read "Upvote FullResponse" and "Downvote FullResponse." Q2 2025
Response Page: Q&A polls need a description for how they work whenever you load Adjust labeling and messaging to tell people how it works. Q2 2025
Response page: Q&A title not announced on response page after choosing screen name Announce activity title when joining a Q&A on pollev.com Q2 2025
Response Page: Q&A: load more responses contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Response Page: Rank: Aria Labels Add ARIA labels Q2 2025
Response page: Scrollable content should be focusable by keyboard Element should have focusable content and be focusable Q2 2025
Response Page: Survey Confirmation: Missing Level 1 heading Add a level 1 heading Q2 2025
Response Page: Survey Title Page: Empty Headings Add ARIA labels Q2 2025
Response page: Survey with CIP : Missing alt txt on the image Require alt text for UGC images Q2 2025
Response Page: Survey: "Finish" button should be labeled as Finish instead of Next Question "Finish" button will be labeled as “Finish” Q2 2025
Response Page: Suspicious Default Alt Text Require users to enter their own alt text. Q2 2025
Screen Name Modal: Partially Obscured Focus Using CSS scroll-padding to un-obscure content Q2 2025
Settings: Contrast failures in several text fields/placeholders on participant Settings page Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Settings: edit email contrast [axe bug] Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Settings: Edit Username contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Settings: Missing Autocomplete on forms Input purpose needs to be identified and auto-filling in browser must be enabled. Q2 2025
Settings: new tab/window link labels for screenreaders Add a label to the icons

Q2 2025
Sign Up: add aria labels to Privacy & Terms of Service links Update labels to identify links as such and that they will open in a new tab Q2 2025
Student Pays: "Book code" text has low contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025
Student Pays: "Code already redeemed" error text has low contrast Update colors to meet contrast minimums for WCAG 2.2 AA. Q2 2025